Health training
After completing the therapy, the next step follows to Personal Trainer.
You would like to do sport again and are looking for support, we will design yourindividual personally tailored Training program.
Health-oriented supportive constructive training.
Individually tailored training goals
Stay injury-free in the long term and specifically develop your muscles or train your whole body preventatively.
Health training for diabetics 1 and 2 coordinated with you and the doctor, targeted training is helpful.
Posture training for the back
Health staff training recognized by the health insurance company.
As an experienced personal trainer in Basel, my focus is not only on physical fitness, but also on the holistic well-being of my clients. I integrate nutritional coaching and pay particular attention to a balanced body feeling. Regular training that is specifically tailored to your individual needs promotes both your physical and mental health.
Your personal trainer Patrick Bösch
Kalorienverbrauch steigern und abnehmen mit Cardio EMS Training
EMS Cardio Training bringt Stoffwechselaktivierung und regt Deine Fettverbrennung an. Daher ist das Training besonders empfehlenswert, wenn Du abnehmen möchtest. Durch die Kombination von EMS mit Ausdauertraining entsteht ein doppelter Trainingseffekt mit Nachbrennwirkung. Das heißt Du verbrennst Kalorien auch noch nach dem Training.
Diese Trainingsziele kannst Du mit Cardio EMS erreichen:
Fettverbrennung und Fettstoffwechsel optimieren
Durchblutung fördern und dadurch Hautbild verbessern
Herz-Kreislauf-System stärken
Verbesserung Deiner Ausdauer und Leistungssteigerung
Mehr Energie im Alltag
Immunsystem stärken
25 Minuten Training pro Woche bei 25MINUTES. EMS Cardio ist im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes der „Burner“!
Dein Personaltrainer
Patrick Bösch
Health training is the basis
Health-oriented strength training so that you can easily cope with everyday life.
Mobility and stability in life
Maintaining quality of life!
Health training
Training Mmethods
Medical EMS training
Functional training
Yoga training
Pilates training
Fascia training
Backbone training
Equipment-supported cardiovascular training
Equipment-based strength training
Relaxation training
Training content:
Strength and flexibility training
Coordination training
Endurance training
Back pain
Well-known problem
Back pain is one of the most common complaints in the population.
70-80% of back pain is pain in the lower lumbar region (lumbar back pain. The complaints mainly affect middle-aged people between the ages of 40 and 69.
According to their cause
Back pain is divided into specific and non-specific back pain. In 80% of cases, non-specific back pain is present, which must be differentiated from back pain due to a specific cause such as herniated discs, infections, fractures or tumors with a specific anamnesis and medical examination.
For non-specific back pain, conventional back strengthening training is recommended, for example.
Functional training in addition to medical EMS training is very effective.
Reduction in pain intensity
Increase in maximum isometric strength of the core muscles.
Back to health and well-being....
If we cannot move our joints or only to a limited extent, we cannot move or only partially move with pain. Everyday life becomes a burden!
In order to build muscle and strength, you need exercise.
You should first have the required mobility and stability
of the joints so that you can increasingly bear weight.
The skeletal muscles and the locomotor muscles
grow or become stronger if you slowly and progressively load them.
This means you need a stimulus to grow.
Health-oriented training includes mobility and stability exercises integrated into our health staff training.
Whether back problems, cellulite or muscle building – Pilates can ensure quick success. The full-body workout is also suitable for beginners.
The deep muscles are trained through consciously executed movements, targeted tension of the muscles and several repetitions. This is exactly what makes Pilates so effective. The core of the body is activated with every exercise, which is why Pilates is particularly healthy for the body.attitude – but not only. It has a positive effect on the body and fitness in many ways:
Pilates is a full-body workout that not only works the core, but also the muscles in the arms and legs.
The exercises contribute to a healthy, upright posture...
... which reduces back problems.
Training with your own body weight stimulates muscle building without putting any strain on your joints.
Concentrating on the movements strengthens body awareness and mindfulness.
With Pilates, movement restrictions and blockages can be alleviated.
Because the deep muscles are trained, Pilates is effective against cellulite.
From the age of 30, muscles begin to break down. This is called sarcopenia. The loss of muscle mass, strength and function over the course of life occurs in seniors, but younger people can also suffer from it.
Sarcopenia is now considered a skeletal muscle disease.
Secondary diseases such as cancer, endocrine, neurological and especially inflammatory diseases.
Sarcopenia is associated with a number of negative, often serious, consequences. Coping with everyday life is increasingly becoming a problem for those affected.
Sarcopenia leads to an increased risk of falls and impaired mobility.
In order to counteract the aging process, it is important to maintain and build muscle.
Strength training is particularly necessary for older people to counteract sarcopenia.
After a free initial consultation in which we discuss your goals and wishes, I offer you the opportunity to book a free trial training. This non-binding training gives you an insight into my training methods and enables you to personally experience how I can accompany you on your path to greater fitness and health. If you have any questions, you can fill out the contact form at the bottom and send it. You will receive a suitable answer shortly.
TYTAX Multi-Gym power stations offer a complete strength circuit on: muscle building and coordination
Multi press, cable pulls and power rack enable over 400 exercises for all muscle groups.
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